Monday, April 4, 2011

whenever I have problems, when i perform my prayer and read the Quran, i feel calm. It gives me strength to continue life. Mama once said that '' it doesnt' matter if there's no one with u, there's no one who want u or like u as long as u have God by your side''. i just had a problem. I've tried my best to settle it but somehow i knew the other person was not happy. And i can't understand why. I have gave whatever that the person wanted it was hard for me to make the decision. But i remember mama always said , ''in relationships, friendship or rumah tangga, kena banyak bersabar and berkorban. If that person x nk mengalah and x nk make the sacrification, then u have to sacrifice. Alhough it's not ur fault or you are hurt when u sacrifice, but if love the bond, then you have to sacrifice. Kita terpaksa la telan ape yg kita rasa, even sesakit mana pun hati kita. If x ada yg nak mengalah, sampai bila pun x setel. Memang pedih but itulah pengorbanan. You korbankan ape yg u rasa asalkan org yg u sayang gembira. If that person really love you, that person akan appreciate. Because somehow, when kita dah x ada, dah terlambat utk org 2 nk appreciate kita tp kita tahu yg we have done the best fot the one we love. '' i follow her advice. i sacrifice my feeling although it's very hard for me. But i can see that the person does not appreciate it at all. That person just act like nothing happened and biarkan kita mcm tu je although we have sacrifice for them if that is life, then i have to continue the journey. Somehow i know that i have give my best

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